IFAD online Event: Nobel Price Michael Kremer: June 12, 2020 @ 3 pm CSET

Cronologico Percorso di conversazione 
  • From: "Barbara Piazzi" < piazzi@ceis.uniroma2.it>
  • To: "'Barbara Piazzi'" < piazzi@ceis.uniroma2.it>
  • Subject: IFAD online Event: Nobel Price Michael Kremer: June 12, 2020 @ 3 pm CSET
  • Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2020 10:29:35 +0200

IFAD is pleased to announce 2 online events this Friday, June 12 at 3 pm & 5 pm CSET (Rome, IT Time Zone)


  1. June 12, 3-4 pm CSET: A Conversation Between  Nobel  Laureate  Michael Kremer and IFAD President 
    The event will be webcast and participants will be able to ask questions online by using the hashtag #IFADpostCOVID19

FARMERS ON THE FRONTLINE - Making Digital Agriculture Work for Small-scale farmers in a Post-Coronavirus World

The aim of this event is to learn more about digital agriculture and its potential to improve agricultural production and the productivity of food systems. The event will also highlight how small-scale farmers can benefit from the opportunities digital agriculture offers in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mr Kremer will give a presentation focusing on his research around digital agriculture. The conversation will address:

  • Emerging opportunities and implications of digital connectivity for small-scale farmers;
  • The role of Governments, private sector and multilateral institutions in promoting digital agriculture and reach rural areas; and
  • The effectiveness of digital services in a post-COVID-19 world. 

Moderator: Marie Haga, Associate Vice-President External Relations and Governance, IFAD

  • Michael Kremer, Nobel Laureate in Economics and Gates Professor of Developing Societies, Harvard Universit
  • Gilbert F. Houngbo, President, IFAD  

More information and webcast link available on the event page.

2.       June 12, 5-7 pm CSET: “Bridging Research and Policy Responses to COVID-19: Value Chain, Food Security, Women, Youth and Vulnerable Groups”
The event will be webcast and participants will be able to ask questions online by using the hashtag #IFADBridge
Ever, as in the last few months, has the World witnessed an endless number of projections, simulations, and predictions about the evolution of the COVID-19.
Virologists, scientists, epidemiologists, economists have tried to use theoretical models to infer the unknown implications of the pandemics. In the meantime, Policy makers were busy more than ever to make fast decisions, actions, and fund allocations. Bridging Research and Policy Responses to COVID-19 aim to bring together academics and policy makers to synthetize responses on the most relevant topics  for the RBAs: future of the value chain, food security, women, youth and vulnerable groups in the post-lockdown era.

The list of speakers include:
Gilbert F. Houngbo, (IFAD), Sara Savastano (IFAD), Marie Haga (IFAD), Maximo Torero (FAO), Arif Husain (WFP), Gero Carletto (World Bank), Jo Swinnen (IFPRI), Marc Bellemare (University of Minnesota)
Scott Rozelle (Stanford University ), Saweda Liverpool-Tasie (Michigan State University ), David Zilberman (University of California, Berkeley) ,Tom Reardon (Michigan State University), Carl Pray (Rutgers University )
More information and webcast link available on the event page.



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  • IFAD online Event: Nobel Price Michael Kremer: June 12, 2020 @ 3 pm CSET, Barbara Piazzi

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