[studenti-eebl-2021] Erasmus+ and Overseas Meeting

Cronologico Percorso di conversazione 
  • From: "MSc European Economy and Business Law" < >
  • To: "'EEBL'" < >
  • Subject: [studenti-eebl-2021] Erasmus+ and Overseas Meeting
  • Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 09:20:21 +0100

Dear Students,

Further to the message previously sent, kindly take note that the International Student Mobility Meeting on 2 December at 4:00 pm in the TL Room (Building A) will also be held online.

Please register in Delphi if you would like to attend in person. The name of the event is "Erasmus+ Presentation". Students may register starting two days before the event.

Here is the link to join the meeting in Microsoft Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjdhMWI1MmItYjZjNi00OTM0LTkxZWMtYmY3NGI0OGRiZmFj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2224c5be2a-d764-40c5-9975-82d08ae47d0e%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22332e001a-7563-4c57-a3f3-6c845d935de3%22%7d .

Best regards,

MSc European Economy and Business Law Program Office

Tor Vergata University of Rome

Department of Economics and Finance

Master of Science Program Office
Room #32, Second Floor, Building B (Ricerca)

Via Columbia 2, 00133 Rome, Italy
Phone + 39 06 7259 5744


Archivio con motore MhonArc 2.6.16.
