Dear Students, We are still looking for students who are interested in participating in the Quality Review Group. The group meets about three times a year to review actions taken, analyse the program’s evaluation data and make proposals for new initiatives and any necessary corrective measures. Please note that this is an activity that is not very time consuming, yet it can be added to your CV as a volunteer activity. Each year EEBL strives to better understand how to make improvements in the Program. To achieve this goal, EEBL’s Quality Review Group - a committee composed of professors, staff and students - analyses annual evaluations, speaks to students and consults companies who have hosted EEBL students as interns, in order to determine which proposals might be appropriate for EEBL’s Academic Board to consider when it defines the actions to take to increase the quality of the program, improve student satisfaction and facilitate post-graduate placement. Students who are interested in participating are kindly requested to send a confirmation email to
by 20 April 2022. We thank you for your collaboration. Best regards, Program Office MSc European Economy and Business Law Tor Vergata University of Rome Department of Economics and Finance Master of Science Program Office Via Columbia 2, 00133 Rome, Italy |
Archivio con motore MhonArc 2.6.16.