Dear Students, The Press and Communication Section of the British Embassy in Rome is seeking an intern for a period of six months starting from January/February 2022. The internship will be based primarily on remote working due to the ongoing pandemic, with occasional days in the office. The intern will receive an office laptop. Applicants should send a CV and covering letter in English, setting out their motivation for applying and what they can bring to the role (applications without a covering letter will not be considered). Only applicants who are regularly enrolled students at the university for the duration of the internship are eligible to apply. In order to receive credit recognition, students must complete the internship at least 45 days prior to graduation. Applications must be sent to
by the 12th of December 2021. Best regards, Jennifer L. Vieley MSc European Economy and Business Law Tor Vergata University of Rome Department of Economics and Finance Master of Science Program Office Via Columbia 2, 00133 Rome, Italy |
PPA Intern Vacancy 2021.pdf
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