Dear Students, The EEBL Program Office is preparing the next edition of the EEBL Magazine and we would like to ask for your collaboration. To help students get to know each other and learn from each other, we would like to add an area in the Magazine dedicated to EEBL student experiences. We would be delighted to know more about you. For example…Have you participated in a study or traineeship experience abroad? Have you completed an internship? Have you used the Faculty Library for research? Do you have tips to share on how you are keeping a balanced lifestyle during the Covid lockdown? How have you found the online learning experience over the past year? What have you learned from the Covid pandemic, and how have you overcome the difficulties experienced over the past year? What are you looking forward to most in the coming months? We are accepting brief descriptions from students until Friday, 26 March:
. A selection of students’ comments will then be published in the next Magazine issue, along with a photo of each contributing student (so please attach a recent photo to your email). We look forward to hearing from you! Program Office MSc European Economy and Business Law Tor Vergata University of Rome Department of Economics and Finance Master of Science Program Office Via Columbia 2, 00133 Rome, Italy |
Archivio con motore MhonArc 2.6.16.