Dear Students, Following the Innovation Management and Growth Strategies Workshop held online on 5 and 6 March with our expert guest speaker Enrico Iaria, I would like to share with you the feedback that we received from the students who participated in the initiative. Your feedbacks are always important. The workshop evaluation was very positive. And since the participants rated the workshop content and activities so highly, I would like to offer the workshop again next year for EEBL students. Keep in mind that EEBL regularly organizes initiatives for your benefit, and, although they are not compulsory, I would strongly encourage all students to participate in the proposed activities. Please be informed that in spring Susie and Jenny will host a workshop on how to write a CV and cover letter. I hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to hone your skills and interact with the EEBL Program Office Staff! Best regards, Elisabetta Iossa Coordinator, MSc European Economy and Business Law |
Workshop Evaluation Questionnaire Results.xlsx
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