Dear students, You are almost at the end of the Master MESCI programme! Time flies!
We will intensively assist you in this period in order to find the internship/job opportunity suitable for you. And to offer you the direct interaction with one of the biggest development banks we organized the Career
Day with the Representative of ADB Seung Min Lee, find attached the flyer of the event. I also use this opportunity to remind you to fill out the questionaries of the courses and kindly ask you to proceed with the General Evaluation of the whole
course here. The questionaries are mandatory for the Quality Evaluation of our master. We are confident on your fast and kind cooperation and grateful for every your feedback! Bests, Olga Olga Raduchych, she/her Programme Coordinator University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Via Columbia 2 - 00133 Roma Working days: MON, WED, FRI e-mail:
" target="_blank" title="mailto:
MS Teams:
tel.: +39 06 7259 56 37 |
Description: Brochure.pdf
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