[mesci_xxi_students] Assignment of prof.D'Amato

Cronologico Percorso di conversazione 
  • From: Olga Raduchych < >
  • To: " " < >
  • Cc: " " < >, Eriona Zeqiri Uniroma2 < >
  • Subject: [mesci_xxi_students] Assignment of prof.D'Amato
  • Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 14:06:23 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
  • Importance: high

Dear students,


We have received the communication from the prof. D’Amato where he expresses the doubt that for many of you the assignment of his course wasn’t an individual work. Therefore, in order to decide your final grades prof. D’Amato needs to have with every of you a short oral interview. We fixed the date on the 4th of July at 11am.


You will receive the link for MS Teams meeting and the list of timeslots later. Please, let us know in case somebody of you has obstacles and we will try to fix it out.


Best regards,





Olga Raduchych



Program Coordinator

Master in Development Economics

and International Cooperation


University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

Via Columbia 2 - 00133 Roma 


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tel.: +39 06 7259 56 37




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