[mesci_xix_students] Sustainable Development Exam

Cronologico Percorso di conversazione 
  • From: "Olga Raduchych" < >
  • To: < >
  • Cc: "'Raffaella Sisti'" < >
  • Subject: [mesci_xix_students] Sustainable Development Exam
  • Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2021 07:57:07 +0200

Dear students,


Prof. D’Amato informed us that the assignment he is designing for you is to be done in 7 days. So before tomorrow night he will give you the list of topics from what you will choose one to work on. The topic of your preference is supposed to include some points from the material you have studied in class with him. In addition prof. D’Amato will give you instructions on how to write the essay.


Hope this is clear.


Have a good day,



  • [mesci_xix_students] Sustainable Development Exam, Olga Raduchych

Archivio con motore MhonArc 2.6.16.
