[mesci_xix_students] I: FREE Training session for the members of the IFAD Innovation Network community of practice

Cronologico Percorso di conversazione 
  • From: "Raffaella Sisti Uniroma2" < >
  • To: < >, < >
  • Subject: [mesci_xix_students] I: FREE Training session for the members of the IFAD Innovation Network community of practice
  • Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2021 10:05:59 +0200
  • Importance: High

An IFAD training session for your interest




Da: Morales Guevara, Gladys Herminia < >
Inviato: lunedì 19 aprile 2021 15:56
Oggetto: FREE Training session for the members of the IFAD Innovation Network community of practice
Priorità: Alta


Dear Raffaella,


IFAD is giving access and certifying all attendees to a special free session to learn how to optimise the use of the knowledge platform many UN and other development agencies use to manage communities of practice.


We would like to extend the invitation to participate in the training and receive the certificate to your students and alumni network. Registration and attendance to this event are mandatory in order to receive the certificate. The training is free-of-charge for all members of the IFAD Innovation Network. To apply for membership, please click here.


For more information, please read on.


Where: https://ifad.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ATsxOHWISWOrlyTKGFvmqw


Registration required


The Change, Delivery and Innovation Unit (CDI), the Knowledge Management Coordination Group (KMCG) at IFAD and Dgroups Foundation are pleased to invite you to celebrate the United Nations World Creativity and Innovation Day by connecting and learning together!


Join us for a special demo session that will help us to optimise our use of Dgroups.io online communities to enhance our networking and contribute to increasing our opportunities to partner and work together for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


This is a unique opportunity to connect with fellow members of the IFAD Innovation Network and learn together!


Participants will learn how to:

  1. Set their profiles and make their contact information visible to other members of the network;
  2. Use hashtags to follow or unfollow topics or conversations;
  3. Send/reply to messages (whether to all members of the group or to selected individuals);
  4. Change their settings to adapt the frequency with which they receive e-mails.


And, once that is all done, obtain a certificate of participation!*


Notice to IFAD employees: any IFAD employees attending this training session will receive a certificate of completion and the Human Resources Division (HRD) will enter this training in your LMS profile.


This training session is free-of-charge for all members of the IFAD Innovation Network and other IFAD communities of practice. Please register with your name as you wish it to appear on the certificate of participation by clicking on the link above. We look forward to seeing you there. Please see overleaf for more information.


CDI and KMCG learning events

For questions or to learn more about the learning events organized by CDI, please contact Gladys H Morales, Senior Innovation Adviser, "> or write to "> . For events organised by KMCG, please contact Ilaria Urbani, ">


Interested in the event but unable to attend? Register here and we will send you a link to the recording.


IFAD Innovation Network

In November 2020 IFAD launched the Fund’s first community of practice (CoP) for innovation on the IFAD Dgroups.io platform.

The IFAD Innovation Network is an informal, democratic, non-hierarchical space where members can share ideas, good practices, tools and lessons learned on how IFAD can: use innovation to improve performance and better address the needs and challenges of IFAD’s target groups and beneficiaries; and develop innovation for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals




* If you are not an IFAD employee, to receive a certificate of participation, you must attend the event and must send an email to "> with the subject line “Request for certificate of participation” by close of business (17:00 CEST) on Wednesday 21 April. Please state your title, name of your organization, and nationality.





Gladys H Morales Guevara
Senior Innovation Adviser

Change, Delivery and Innovation Unit (CDI)
Office of the President and the Vice President (OPV)

International Fund for Agricultural Development
Via Paolo di Dono 44, 00142 Rome, Italy
Tel. +39 06 5058

Join the IFAD Innovation Network



LinkedIn: Gladys H Morales




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  • [mesci_xix_students] I: FREE Training session for the members of the IFAD Innovation Network community of practice, Raffaella Sisti Uniroma2

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