[mesci_xix_students] Child labour exam - instructions

Cronologico Percorso di conversazione 
  • From: "Raffaella Sisti Uniroma2" < >
  • To: < >
  • Cc: "'Olga Raduchych'" < >, "'Guarcello, Lorenzo'" < >
  • Subject: [mesci_xix_students] Child labour exam - instructions
  • Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2021 14:15:49 +0100

Dear All,


This is to provide you with the instructions of the Child Labour exam.


You are requested to write from 3 to 5 pages on the following:


Present and discuss at least 3 main policy options to combat child labor and promote education


Please send Olga your exam by June 9th.


Thank you,





  • [mesci_xix_students] Child labour exam - instructions, Raffaella Sisti Uniroma2

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