[mesci_xix_students] R: Questionnaire Econometrics

Cronologico Percorso di conversazione 
  • From: "Olga Raduchych" < >
  • To: < >
  • Subject: [mesci_xix_students] R: Questionnaire Econometrics
  • Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2020 11:55:23 +0100
  • Importance: High



I still have only 18 answers. Please proceed with filling the questionnaire.






Da: Olga Raduchych < >
Inviato: mercoledì 9 dicembre 2020 13:02
A: ' ' < >
Oggetto: R: Questionnaire Econometrics


Dear students,


I ask to those who had not already done the questionnaire of econometrics when I send the previous mail to kindly proceed with the filling of the form.




Have a good day,




Da: Olga Raduchych < "> >
Inviato: venerdì 4 dicembre 2020 14:41
A: ' ' < "> >
Cc: 'Raffaella Sisti' < "> >
Oggetto: Questionnaire Econometrics
Priorità: Alta


Dear all,


With this mail I am kindly asking you to fill the questionnaire of Econometrics course before Monday morning. We revised the form and deleted the cell where you had to insert you personal e-mail making the questionnaire completely anonymous. It has been so even before but as now we cannot check who has not filled the form I would appreciate your full collaboration.  You can find the form following the link below:




Thank you very much in advance for you time and effort.


Have a good week-end,




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