Ciao a tutti/e, Ho letto di un'iniziativa legislativa della statunitense Federal Communication Commission intesa ad impedire che sviluppatori ed utenti restino liberi di modificare il firmware di un dispositivo che comunica via radio, sostituendolo con un firmware sviluppato in proprio o di terze parti, che non sia stato cioè rilasciato dal produttore del dispositivo o comunque da questo approvato ed autorizzato. Contro questa norma è nata un'iniziativa di azione pubblica organizzata e sostenuta da ThinkPenguin, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Free Software Foundation, Software Freedom Law Center, Software Freedom Conservancy, OpenWRT, LibreCMC e Qualcomm. Invitano chi può e vuole a scrivere un proprio parere su questa intenzione della FCC andando sulla pagina e aprendo il modulo per i commenti del pubblico "Submit a formal comment". Vi copio in calce il mio commento. Ciao a tutti e a rivederci al Linux Day (a proposito, vi ho mandato/vi è arrivato il mio paper o lo devo (ri)mandare?). Given the number of devices in use on the Internet that suffer from firmware that is affected by security bugs of the most diverse nature and gravity ( , and the bad work manufactures are doing in providing updates to the affected firmware and devices (many times because they no longer support a product a few years after it went to the market), preventing people from updating the manufacturer's firmware with a third party one is a very effective way to guarantee the Internet will become an ever more vulnerable an unworkable, disfunctional mess. Another point comes to mind against this proposal of yours: more firmwares available for the same devices, designed by different teams and developers, will cause a healthy competition and diversity of purpose for the various software solutions devised by those teams to run on the given hardware. This is the best environment where brilliant ideas and projects are developed, emerge and produce not just new and better products, but innovation and creativity of the same kind that allowed the IT to explode in the seventies to invent the personal computer market and become something very few people thought could develop out of the hardware then available. Locking down devices and preventing developers to work on third party firmware just does not sound any good an idea technology- and market-wise. -- Alessandro Selli ">< > Tel. portatile: 340.839.73.05 VOIP SIP: "> Sito web: Chiavi PGP/GPG keys: B7FD89FD, 4A904FD9 |
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