Corso di Internet e Sicurezza dei Sistemi

[ISS] Seminari sicurezza prof. Naccache - 14-16 aprile

Cronologico Percorso di conversazione 
  • From: Giuseppe Bianchi < >
  • To:
  • Subject: [ISS] Seminari sicurezza prof. Naccache - 14-16 aprile
  • Date: Sun, 05 Apr 2009 16:49:45 +0200

Cari colleghi e studenti

Abbiamo il piacere di annunciare un ciclo di seminari (dal 14 al 16 aprile) su argomenti di
sicurezza e crittografia, tenuti dal Prof. David Naccache, tra i più rinomati esperti mondiali
nel campo della crittografia e degli attacchi a sistemi crittografici.
I seminari sono divisi in due gruppi: "open lectures" (piu' generali ed interdisciplinari, pensati per
un'audience generale composta da studenti degli anni finali di ingegneria dell'informazione) e
"PhD lectures" (leggermente più tecnici e pensati per studenti di dottorato, ma sempre mantenendo
un livello della presentazione comprensibile anche a non esperti). La partecipazione e' aperta e
gratuita ad entrambi i seminari.

I seminari si terranno nell'Aula R3 del dipartimento di ingegneria elettronica, Università
di Roma Tor Vergata, Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Roma. Seguono i) agenda, ii) biografia
dello speaker e iii) abstract dei seminari.

Per informazioni supplementari non esitate a contattare:

--------------- AGENDA ---------------

Tuesday April 14
14.30-15.30  Open Lecture: History and recent advances in physical attacks to electronic devices (side channel attacks)

Wednesday April 15
09.30-11.30  Open lecture: Can we secure open platforms?
12.00-14.00  PhD lecture: Links between cryptography and information theory

Thursday April 16
09.30-11.30  PhD lecture: Tools and techniques for public-key cryptoanalysis
12.00-14.00  PhD lecture: Tools and techniques for implementing public-key cryptosystems

--------------- BIOGRAFIA ---------------

David Naccache is currently professor at the University of Paris 2 and a member of the
Ecole normale supérieure's computer science research group. He was previously with
Philips where he designed, broke, and coded various smart card security solutions and
Thomson Consumer Electronics where he worked on Videocrypt’s Pay-TV Module.
He also led Gemplus' research group (100 researchers) during several years.
He has published more than 70 papers in cryptography and security and holds 60
patents in the field. His primary areas of interest are whatever can be attacked or
protected and, in particular, public-key cryptography, side-channel attacks and mobile
code security. He has served on more than 60 program committees of specialized
conferences such as ACM CSS, Eurocrypt, or Crypto and cosupervised a dozen of
Ph.D.s in the area in France and abroad. A few years ago he cosigned an attack that
caused the withdrawal of the ISO 9796-1 standard and the modification of ISO 9796-2
as well as an attack against PKCS#1 v1.5 encryption which was upgraded to 2.0.
Under his management, Gemplus' security group won the RSA Security Industry

--------------- ABSTRACT ---------------

Open lecture: History and recent advances in physical attacks: In this talk we will explain the principles
of side channel attacks and present a number of new results. We will most notably talk about
power and electromagnetic leakage, fault attacks, temperature attacks and timing attacks.
We will present a taxonomy of countermeasures against these attacks and discuss several
models for reasoning about information leakage.
Open Lecture: Can we secure open platforms?  We will study the possibility to inspect open
platform using ad-hoc scanning agents with provable properties. The agent's role is to inspect the
platform and (under proper assumption) build a proof of conformity allowing the verifier to ascertain
the platform's state. We will discuss proposed solutions, new ideas and present new research directions.

PhD lecture: Links between cryptography and information theory. In this talk we will address ties and links
between cryptography and information theory. We will particularly insist on links between error correcting
codes, theoretical computer science and complexity theory on one hand and cryptography on the other
hand. The talk will not assume that the audience is very expert in the concerned fields.
PhD lecture: Tools and techniques for public-key cryptanalysis. In this talk we will overview a number of
public-key techniques allowing to defeat badly designed encryption and signature schemes. The presentation
is not meant to be an exhaustive presentation of cryptanalysis techniques but rather a sampler of original ideas
and computational trade-offs as well as their applications.

PhD lecture: Tools and techniques for implementing public-key cryptosystems. Modular reduction and
modular exponentiation play a very important role in public-key cryptography. In this talk we will present
and prove a number of techniques for fast multiplication, reduction and exponentiation. The talk will consist
in a presentation and proof of the reduction algorithms of Montogmery, Barrett, Tomlinson, as well as other

  • [ISS] Seminari sicurezza prof. Naccache - 14-16 aprile, Giuseppe Bianchi

Archivio con motore MhonArc 2.6.16.
