if this message does not display correctly, click here | Table of Contents Marianna Brunetti, University of Rome Tor Vergata, CEFIN Rocco Ciciretti, University of Rome II - Department of Economics and Finance Ljubica D. Djordjevic, CentER-Tilburg University Daniele Checchi, Università degli Studi di Milano - Dipartimento di Economia Politica e Aziendale (DEPA), Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) Gianni De Fraja, University of Nottingham, Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata" , Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) Stefano Verzillo, University of Milan Richard Damania, World Bank, University of Adelaide - School of Economics Pasquale L. Scandizzo, University of Rome A.J Glauber, World Bank - Africa Region | |
CEIS: CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC & INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Vincenzo Atella - Director "The Determinants of Household's Bank Switching" CEIS Working Paper No. 322 MARIANNA BRUNETTI, University of Rome Tor Vergata, CEFIN Email:
ROCCO CICIRETTI, University of Rome II - Department of Economics and Finance Email:
LJUBICA D. DJORDJEVIC, CentER-Tilburg University Email:
Using a unique panel dataset from 2006-2012 Bank of Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth that links households to their main bank, we are able to investigate the determinants of bank switching by households. Household-bank relationship matters crucially in terms of exclusivity, intensity, and scope of the relationship. Specifically, we find that what really drives switching is mortgage, both taking out and paying off, besides confirming that switching costs reduce the probability of switching. We also find robust evidence that neither risk preferences, mobility nor economic condition of the household play any role, while education and financial literacy do matter, albeit with opposite effects. Last but not least, changing bank is less frequent for cooperative bank and more frequent for listed banks, after controlling for bank competition. "Publish or Perish? Incentives and Careers in Italian Academia" CEIS Working Paper No. 323 DANIELE CHECCHI, Università degli Studi di Milano - Dipartimento di Economia Politica e Aziendale (DEPA), Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) Email:
GIANNI DE FRAJA, University of Nottingham, Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata" , Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) Email:
STEFANO VERZILLO, University of Milan Email:
We derive a theoretical model of effort in the presence of career concern based on the multi-unit all-pay auction, and closely inspired by the Italian academic market. In this model, the number of applicants, the number of new posts, and the relative importance of the determinants of promotion determine academics' effort. Because of the specific characteristics of Italian universities, where incentives operate only through promotion, and where all appointment panels are drawn from strictly separated and relatively narrow scientific sectors, the model fits well Italian academia, and we test it in a newly constructed dataset which collects the journal publications of all Italian academics working in universities. We find that individual researchers respond to incentives in the manner predicted by the theoretical model: more capable researchers respond to increases in the importance of the measurable determinants of promotion and in the competitiveness of the scientific sector by exerting more effort; less able researchers do the opposite. "Ecosystems - Burden or Bounty?" CEIS Working Paper No. 324 RICHARD DAMANIA, World Bank, University of Adelaide - School of Economics Email:
PASQUALE L. SCANDIZZO, University of Rome Email:
A.J GLAUBER, World Bank - Africa Region Email:
This paper presents a somewhat novel approach to explore the economic contribution of ecosystems. It develops linked models to capture connections between resource stocks and flows and the resulting micro and macroeconomic impacts. A bioeconomic model is developed that is imbedded into a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Incorporating imperfect regulation, the bioeconomic model characterizes optimal policies, while the CGE model explores the economy-wide consequences of possible changes to the ecosystem. The model is parameterized and calibrated to the case of the Serengeti ecosystem which is perhaps the most intensively researched biome with a relative abundance of data. This ecosystem is also undergoing rapid change from a host of factors related to developments within and around the protected area system. The analysis identifies the contribution of the ecosystem to the economy and finds that changes in tourism and bushmeat hunting have surprisingly diffuse economy-wide impacts, that are especially large in the rural sector. To guard against overstatement, ecosystem impacts are under-stated relative to other effects. The results suggest that linkages to the natural resource sector (backward and forward multipliers) are important and neglecting these may lead to biased estimates. | | ^top
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