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CEIS: CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC & INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Vincenzo Atella - Director "Socially Responsible and Conventional Investment Funds: Performance Comparison and the Global Financial Crisis" CEIS Working Paper No. 310 LEONARDO BECCHETTI, University of Rome II - Faculty of Economics Email:
ROCCO CICIRETTI, University of Rome II - Department of Economics and Finance Email:
AMBROGIO DALO, University of Rome II - Department of Economics and Finance Email:
STEFANO HERZEL, University of Rome II - Faculty of Economics Email:
We investigate the performance of Socially Responsible Funds (SRFs) and Conventional Funds (CFs) in different market segments during the 1992-2012 period. From an unbalanced sample of more that 22,000 funds, we define a matched sample using a beta-distance measure to match any SRF with the "nearest neighbor" CF in terms of risk factors. Using this novel matching approach and a recursive analysis, we identify several switch points in the lead/lag relationship between the two investment styles over time in different market segments (geographical area and size). A relevant finding of our analysis is that SRFs played an "insurance role" outperforming CFs during the 2007 global financial crisis. "Fiscal Devaluation Scenarios: A Quantitative Assessment for the Italian Economy" CEIS Working Paper No. 311 BARBARA ANNICCHIARICO, University of Rome II - Department of Economics and Law Email:
FABIO DI DIO, Sogei S.p.a. Email:
FRANCESCO FELICI, Government of the Italian Republic (Italy) - Ministry of Economy and Finance - Department of the Treasury Email:
We study the potential impact of fiscal devaluation policies on the Italian economy using IGEM, a dynamic general equilibrium model for the Italian economy developed at the Department of Treasury of the Italian Ministry of the Economy and Finance. The simulations show that fiscal devaluation policies are likely to produce short-run slight improvements on the external position of the economy, while the output gains seem to persist in the long run. Non-negligible distributional effects across households are also observed, since taxation on consumption tends to be regressive. "Business Fluctuations in Imperial Austria's Regions, 1867-1913: New Evidence" CEIS Working Paper No. 312 CARLO CICCARELLI, University of Rome II - Faculty of Economics Email:
ANNA MISSIAIA, London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) Email:
This paper presents annual estimates of total and per-capita GDP at 1910 prices for the regions of Imperial Austria from the origin of the Dual Monarchy (1867) to the eve of WWI (1913). The time paths of regional GDP are estimated from the yield of the tax on the transfer of real and financial property which is itself very highly correlated with the Schulze (2007) estimates of regional GDP for census years (1870, 1880, 1890, 1900, and 1910). The relative continuity or discontinuity of per-capita GDP growth partitions Austria's regions into two groups. Clear evidence of discontinuity (a "take-off") is present in Carniola, Carinthia, Salzburg, Styria, Littoral, Tyrol, and to some extent Moravia. In Lower and Upper Austria, Bohemia, Silesia, Galicia, Bukovina, and Dalmatia there is instead no evidence of structural break in their growth rates. Significant drops in the level of per-capita GDP do occur (as in Lower Austria and Bohemia after the 1873 financial crash) but have moderate effects on the growth of subsequent years. Regional (per-capita) inequality is also evaluated using standard measures. The coefficient of variation and Theil index follow a U-shaped curve: after a decline lasted about 15 years they both rise and point to, from ca. 1885, growing divergence. | | ^top
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